About Us
Organizing Team
TransitieCinema is organized by a group of volunteers. As group we are interested in documentaries and starting conversations about sustainability, transition and related social issues.
If you would like to help and contribute with organizing TransitieCinema, either with structural commitment, or incidentally on specific topic(s), please send us a message to interview for team membership.
Our Community
TransitieCinema addresses a multitude of topics related to sustainability and transition, and we wouldn’t be able to do that without our community and partners.
If you are personally engaged on a topic, you can help us by suggesting relevant documentaries and experts to our organizing team and help with promoting our events within your community.
If you represent and organization that would like to collaborate for an event, please contact the board.

Our goals
What we do
The goal of TransitieCinema is to inform and make the public aware of the issues and discussion concerning the topics of sustainability and transition.
To achieve this, we screen documentaries; and after the movie we translate the topic and its issues to a local context with experts on the topic.
The events are organized by the organizing team. This is facilitated by Stichting TransitiCinema, governed by its board and funded by donations.
Member Organizing Team
TransitieCinema’s organizing team is welcoming new applications for the Organizing Team.
The responsibility of the organizing team members is researching possible topics, documentaries and contacting experts for the TransitieCinema events.
Membership of the Organizing Team is a volunteer-position: part-time and unpaid.
TransitieCinema offers the opportunity to do meaningful work on interesting topics, combining a local context with an international community.
- Affinity with sustainable development goals and social impact
- Interested how global topics/issues are (made) relevant to a local (Dutch) context
- Motivated and positively energized by participating in the sustainable development conversation
Qualities and competences:
- Self-managements skills: Take and complete tasks in a team.
- Maintain overview and identify necessary tasks
- Political sensitivity and (cultural) awareness of diversity
- Proactive attitude and behaviour
- Cooperates in a team
- Communicative skills
- Independent and honest
Are you interested?
If you recognize yourself in this profile, we would like to hear from you. You can send your motivation and curriculum vitae to info@transitiecinema.nl
For more information you can also contact the president of the board via this address.
Stichting TransitieCinema has a policy plan. In the plan you can find more information about our goals and how we would like to achieve them.
Current plan:
The current board members of Stichting TransitieCinema :
M.E. Fonville (President)
C. Sahli (Secretary)
D.D. Dakova (Treasurer)
Support us
Stichting TransitieCinema is a designated public benefit organisation (PBO/ANBI). Donations to Stichting TransitieCinema may be deducted from (corporate) income tax.
De Carpentierstraat 71Z
2595 HD Den Haag
Fiscal Information:
KvK: 70650594
RSIN: 858408004
IBAN: NL76 TRIO 0338 8259 75